menu planning

5 Reasons Why I Love Menu Planning:

Menu planning and I have had some ups and downs over the years, due to various life seasons, but I always come back to menu planning because it has SO MANY benefits.

I started menu planning when my husband and I got married way back in the fall of 2007. I was hoping it would make life simpler.

Nearly 15 years later, with mostly consistent planning, I’m finding that it does and I absolutely love it!

If menu planning seems like another chore that you don’t want, today, I’d love to tell you the 5 things that I love about menu planning!

I only shop once a week.

When I was living on my own, if I wanted to make something specific, I would go to the store that day to purchase any ingredients I needed.

If you’re anything like me, a trip to the grocery store for only a couple of things, turns into purchasing many unexpected things. Doing this a few times each week, I was obviously spending more than I needed to by going more than once a week.

With a menu plan in place, I can limit my grocery shopping to once a week because I’ve accounted for all the ingredients and staples I need based on what I already have and what’s on sale.

Less temptation to eat out.

In other words, we save money AND eat healthier by having a menu plan. But because we enjoy eating out once a week or so, I actually factor our meal out into my menu planning so I don’t buy any wasted ingredients.

menu planning

I have more motivation.

Cooking isn’t my favourite thing to do these days. However, when I have a plan in place, I’ve eliminated a big part of the battle.

I don’t struggle for meal ideas or have any missing ingredients. I can just jump right into meal creation almost thoughtlessly. I almost get excited about making dinner, because I already know what I will be making!

You might also like: Easy Ingredient Substitutions.

We save money.

Before I menu plan, I take a quick look through the pantry, fridge and freezer to see which ingredients I have on hand. I can usually think of one or two simple meals using what I already have.

My next step is take a look in my local grocery flyers to see what is on sale. I plan some more meals based on what’s on sale.

With both of those strategies in play, I am less tempted to impulse buy because I know I won’t need that item.

I also like to make plenty of dinner so that there is enough leftover for lunches the next day. This helps eliminate the need to eat out for lunch!

It’s a good use of my time.

It takes me less time to plan a weekly menu plan then it does to think up a meal each and every day at meal time. I’m a big fan of using my time efficiently. 😉

There you have it, 5 reasons why I love menu planning! Do you menu plan?  If so, why do YOU menu plan?