Bullet Journal Ideas for Beginners
If you are on Pinterest at all you have undoubtedly seen Bullet Journals. Maybe you have looked into them a bit, maybe not. I am going to assume for the sake of this post that you are intrigued but haven’t given it much research.
If you find the rigidity of common planners is just too hard to maintain and stick with, you may find that a bullet journal, in its simpleness, is better suited to you. Read on and find out just what the heck a bullet journal is and if it’s the planner system you have been looking for.
Bullet Journals were created by Ryder Carroll of bulletjournal.com and you can find out some additional info by checking out his site. Originally they were more utilitarian and then this community just sort of… exploded, people who wanted to use the simplicity of a bullet journal but add a touch of art and color to their pages. Bullet journals are a system of notes, lists, brainstorming, calendars, etc… Much more fluid than your typical planner, the bullet journal system allows you to create a layout that works for you and also make it beautiful!
What do you need to get started? All you need to start is a journal and a pen, where you go from there is up to you. You can grab packs of wonderfully fluid pens in every shade of the rainbow for writing and sketching, stickers and washi tape that the bullet journal community love to use for making their pages pop. The creativity in your book, even if you are not an artist makes you look forward to writing your lists and checking items off every day.
The one rule of bullet journals as they are is… there are no rules! This is your book, and instead of making your style fit the book, it can be designed to suit your needs.
But, to help you get started I recommend you at least:
Decide how you want to use it– However, this may change as you make it your own. Do you want to divide up work and home into boxes? Use the front of each page as a calendar and the back as a task list? There a a ton of videos on YouTube to inspire you with ideas.
Start with a key page – A list of symbols to note items that are completed, pushed back, high priority, etc.. These symbols can be used
Make an index– To quickly reference and find your various sections like daily schedules, lists, and monthly goals.
Grab some supplies to make it fun– Below I have a few fun items you may want to really get creative with your bullet journaling. Keep them all together in a pretty basket or bag.
Here are some of my favorite Bullet Journal items:
The Journal
Dotted journals are the most popular notebook option for Bullet journaling. The dots allow for plenty of artistic freedom but give you a hint of lines for making boxes or other shapes. Lined notebooks are great too!
The Pens
Pretty ink just makes it more fun to write out those mundane lists and goals! You can use just black but colors are just so inviting. I like these pens and these erasable Pilot Frixion pens.
The Washi
Let me caution you, pretty washi tape can quickly become a bit of an addiction. You can find it in every color, theme, and size you would hope for. I use it across the top or sides of my pages for color and also to separate sections on each page.
Stickers are a great way to highlight important dates or appointments in your journal. There are so many fun stickers available on Amazon or even at your local dollar store! Stickers are also a fun way to personalize your planner if you’re not really artistically creative.
Bullet journaling can help you get your life organized. Everything from your weekly menus to school meetings without the fuss and structure of a box planner. You may find you fill up your journal quickly using it daily or you may just use a couple pages per week. Either way, it’s your bullet journal, so make it work for you!
Are you a bullet journaler? I would love to hear your favorite tips and tricks below in the comments.
Wow! Continuing with reading and checking out different Bullet Journaling is amazing. Never realized there were so many different ways to do this! I just use my one simple box with the to do list and cross them off as I go. Maybe I might just get more creative! I can see how this would help people who continually make list keep up with their routines! Very interesting reading!