After some thought and a couple of test weekends, I’ve decided to stop posting the regular deals on Saturdays and Sundays. (well, Sundays I have never posted anyways!)  This is all in an effort to find more balance.  It gives me the opportunity to actually unplug the computer and do other fun things (or not fun things like housework!)

Since I usually have the computer on for a bit on Saturdays, if I come across a really great deal, I won’t hesitate to post it.  I may decide in the future to start posting regularly on Saturdays again, but for now, this is how it’s going to be. 🙂

One thing that I am going to keep doing on Saturdays, is Links Worth Sharing.  I know many of you enjoy this feature and it’s fun for me to actually read other websites and blogs!

So…here are the interesting links I came across on my travels around the web this week.  Enjoy and have a great weekend!