Every Monday in 2015, I’ll be sharing a different idea to help you save money! Add all of these tips to your frugal repertoire and you’ll be able to save a lot of money this year! I hope you’ll gather a few new ideas or at least some inspiration from this series. 

Stay Home More Often

Staying home more often is one of the simplest ways to have more time, spend less money, accumulate less clutter, and to simply live a less busy lifestyle!

Staying home used to be so hard for me. I’d go out to the mall or even drive over to the next city over for some ‘better shopping’, way more than I needed to. These trips would always result in money spent on lunch out, deals I may have thought I needed, and probably takeout for dinner because I was too tired to cook! Totally not worth it.

Staying Home means I have More Time, More Money, Less Clutter and a Simpler Lifestyle!

I’m amazed at how much I can get done at home when I limit my time out in town. I actually enjoy my twice a week grocery shopping trips because I have had time to plan the grocery list and meals. (and actually create the meals that I bought the groceries for!) I’m also somewhat impressed at what I can get accomplished around the house by staying home more often. I also have more time to play with my daughter one on one.

Another perk to spending more time at home is that I do less unnecessary spending. So I’m keeping more money in my bank account and bringing home less clutter. Win win!

Since having Sienna, I’ve found myself needing to be out more often. (For sanity reasons ;)) But I have also consciously chosen activities for us that don’t cost much or any money at all. We’ve gone to the library for story time, joined a Mother Goose program and gone for playdates at friends’ homes. We recently started going to a drop-in gymnastics class that costs only $5.  As for me, I have a bi-weekly date with a couple of longtime girlfriends at my one girlfriend’s home. We bring snacks, but the conversations we have, no money can buy!

So as you can see, I don’t cut out every activity because I do value time spent with others in the community and my friends and family.  But staying home more often really allows me to focus on what I value most and allows me to become refreshed so I can be a blessing to those I see when we do go out.

Staying home more often really works for me!

Here are some ideas to be happier at home:

  • Invite friends or family over for a movie/dinner night
  • Buy/pick some inexpensive flowers such as daffodils
  • Read a good book
  • Take a nice bath
  • Enjoy a dinner by candlelight
  • Clear out as much clutter as possible, clean off the kitchen countertops, get rid of at least one pile of papers
  • Listen to your favorite music
  • Listen to your favorite music LOUD when you’re cleaning
  • Surround yourself with the things you love, allow no room for things that don’t make you feel happy
  • Take time to enjoy your favorite hot or cold beverage in the mornings (or evenings)
  • Keep your favorite candle burning
  • Play hard with your children
  • Bake: it tastes great and smells wonderful
  • Try a new recipe that you found on Pinterest or another recipe site
  • Work at wanting what you have rather than having what you want
  • Play board games with family or friends
  • Stop resenting what your house isn’t and start appreciating what it is.
  • Display family photos

How does staying home save you more money? Please share in the comments!