Using coupons is a great way to save some money on your grocery bill. But, like with all aspects of our lives, there’s also a level of etiquette that we must adhere to, making couponing a positive experience for everyone.

Here are 5 coupon etiquette tips that apply to the beginner couponer and the seasoned couponer.

Be kind to your cashier

With the popularity of coupon use growing in Canada, many stores are still working out their coupon policies and training their staff on the ins and outs of coupons. There are a ton of different coupons out there so be understanding if the cashier doesn’t know as much about coupons as you do.

If you feel as though your cashier is misunderstanding a particular coupon, and you feel as though it should work, then politely ask for the manager. If a cashier doesn’t know about the coupon policies it could be a lack of training on the store’s part.

The better you treat the staff at the stores you frequent, the happier they’ll be to accommodate you and your coupons in the future!

Know the stores’ coupon policies and follow them

Coupon policies can vary greatly from one store to the next.  It’s a good idea to look up the coupon policies for the stores you frequent most often.  You’ll probably have the best chance of getting the coupon policies by emailing customer service.  The email address or contact form is usually very easy to find on all store websites.

You may want to print off the coupon policies to have on hand when you’re checking out, this way you have the information readily available if there’s an issue. But as always, be polite when discussing issues with the cashier or manager.

No Shelf Clearing

It really is fun when a great coupon deal pops up, but is it really necessary for someone to take the entire shelf of items because it’s free or really cheap? No! (Unless of course, there is only one left on the shelf :))  Take into consideration how many you actually need so you can leave more for others who also want that product.  Chances are, there will always be another sale anyways!

Don’t take the whole tear pad

Tear pads are placed in stores for everyone to enjoy.  Take a few, but leave the rest for others.

Share the savings

A great way to clear out expiring coupons and coupons you won’t use is to be a “coupon fairy”. If you’ve got some extra time, the best thing to do is to actually place the coupon directly with the product it can be used for.  That way, someone who is shopping for that product will have a nice surprise coupon waiting for them!

Have you got any other coupon etiquette lessons to add to the list?  What are your pet peeves when it comes to couponing?

Here are the other posts in the How to Coupon in Canada Series: