
Leaving the asparagus farm.

One day last week, Sienna and I headed to the Farmer’s Market in search of some honey.  While I didn’t find honey, I did get a basil plant for my herb garden.  We started to head home, but Sienna decided she wasn’t ready be at home since she was quite content sitting in the car with the windows down and the air blowing over her face.  This was the very first time she told me she wanted to keep driving.  I’m thinking it was because she was just getting over a little cold and wasn’t quite feeling 100% yet.

I decided that this year I’d love to take advantage of all the fresh fruits and vegetables we have available in our area throughout the year. Currently asparagus is in season, so I drove off in the direction of an asparagus farm in the country. There’s just something so satisfying about seeking out small local farms that offer great produce!  Can’t beat the price either!

This day also happened to be another lesson in enjoying the simple things.  You see, since I’ve become a Mom, I’ve found it really difficult to juggle the blog, family life and the general world around me. (As I’m sure all Mother’s can relate to) I guess you could say I’m coming out of the “fog” now and realizing the joy that motherhood actually is and noticing the amazing things around me.  I’m not so focused on myself and trying to “survive”.

The thing about having a blog, is that I feel as though I’m constantly connected to the online world, and not the “real” world that’s happening around me.  Since I’ve been undergoing a bit of an internal struggle for contentedness, taking the time to be intentional in enjoying all that my real world has to offer has done me a world of good.

The simple act of forgetting for a moment that I had a blog that needed to be updated, dishes to wash and laundry to start, made me realize it’s the simple things, and not my circumstances, that will lead me to a more fulfilling life.

What little thing can you choose today to bring about some happiness to your day?