How to Earn Money from your Garden

How to Earn Money from your Garden

Odds are, when you started your garden you were not thinking about how you could earn money from it. Over time you may have seen a bit of potential and started to think about how you could make money from your garden. Even a small thriving garden can earn a bit of extra money. If you are skilled or have plenty of space you can earn even more.

Today, I’d love to outline some ways that you can Earn Money from your Garden.

Sell extra produce

Often, the first issue that makes you think about how you could earn money from your garden is an overabundance of produce. You may be wondering just how you could ever use up that many tomatoes. Selling that extra produce is a great way to earn some cash and help save someone else some money. First, offering the produce for sale to friends and family will definitely help you reduce your overabundance. If you still have produce leftover, post a sign in front of your yard advertising produce for sale. You may have many neighbors stopping by!

Earn money from your garden

Selling canned goods

Check your Province or city’s food laws to see if you can earn money from your garden by canning extra produce and selling the jars. Selling homemade jams, jellies, and other canned goods just might be the answer for you. Due to law, your sales are often limited to a few thousand a year, but that’s perfect for using up the extra food from your garden. Homemade canned jams and jellies make great gifts around the holidays and can end up selling very well.

Sell plants

Are you a whiz at getting seeds to sprout into strong thriving seedlings? Do you have plants in your garden or pots that need to be thinned out? Selling plants to other gardeners in your neighborhood is a great way to earn extra money from your garden. If you do not have plants to sell how about seeds? Cuttings from that prize plant your neighbors all love?

Teaching others gardening skills

Have you been gardening for years and have a beautiful thriving garden that neighbors admire? Why not offer to teach gardening classes in your home garden or even at the local library for a small fee? Depending on local interest, you can earn a good bit of money running classes on the topics of caring for plants, propagating cuttings, and keeping plants alive for the not so green thumbs. Often a bit of education is all that stands in the way of a thriving garden. Many parents are looking for summer activities for their children and learning to garden could be a great use of time and energy.

The important part of making money with your garden is to not allow the focus on earning to take the joy out of your garden. If you lose the joy that made your garden thrive in the first place, your garden will suffer. So start out small, have fun, and make the most of the opportunities that come your way.

Have you tried making some extra money from your garden? How did you do it?

7 Items you Can Sell for Cash Right Now

Have you found yourself short on cash? Are you looking for quick ways to make a buck or two? Whatever the case or circumstance may be, there are plenty of legit ways to make some fast cash. Take a peek below at 7 items you can sell for cash right now, so you can have the money you need for your next utility payment, car payment, or whatever the case may be!

7 Items you Can Sell for Cash Right Now

Make cash fast with these 7 items you can sell for cash right now! #earnmoney #incomeideas #frugalliving #simplyfrugal

1. Scrap jewelry.

Do you have broken or unused gold and silver jewelry? Gather it up and take it to your local jewelry store. Most stores will weigh it for you and make you a cash offer for it. It doesn’t matter if it is broken or unsightly, they just want it for scrap. So gather up that jewelry and see if you can get some cash for it!

2. Scrap metal.

Scrap yards pay for all sorts of metals these days. You can take your empty soda cans; scrap copper, aluminum, even silver flatware. They will weigh it and make you an offer, and you not only free up some space at home, but gather some cash as well. See what scrap metal you may have in the garage or shed that you can scrap and trade for cash.

3. DVDs, Video Games

Are you done watching some of the DVD’s in your collection? Are you tired of some of your video games? Pawn shops take both of these items and will offer you cash. You can even sell these items online via Ebay or Craigslist, or take them to a resale shop that specializes in their sale.

4. Old toys.

Many old toys are worth cash these days. Old dolls, Barbies, doll clothing, old board games, old metal trucks, cars, and a host of other toy items are worth cash. Sell these items to a collector via Ebay or Craigslist, or you can even take them to an antique shop to see if anyone is willing to make you an offer on them.

5. Old paper items.

Would you believe that old postcards, old photos, magazines, cookbooks, maps, and other paper items are worth cash? Collectors go crazy over these items and are always on the prowl for them. Sell these items to a collector via Ebay or Craigslist, or you can even take them to an antique shop to see if anyone is willing to make you an offer on them.

6. Designer accessories.

Do you have designer shoes, bags, belts, sunglasses, and other accessories? If so, savvy shoppers are looking for them! Sell these items on Ebay or Craigslist and see if you can’t get a few bucks for them. It will help if they are in gently used condition and accompanied with any paperwork that authenticates them.

7. Electronics.

Your old cell phones, televisions, and computer parts and pieces are worth cash. I’ve seen many people have success selling their old cell phones in Facebook buy & sell groups. Pawn shops and resale shops are always looking for televisions and computers, so consider those options as well when you need to make some quick cash.

The next time you find yourself in a bind, take a look around the house to see if you can find any of these 7 items you can sell for cash now. You might find that making a few extra bucks isn’t hard at all, plus you get will be getting rid of clutter in the process!

Is Direct Sales Right for You?

Is Direct Sales Right for You?


You may have been to direct sales parties, which are the ones such as Scentsy, Avon, Stampin’ Up, Thirty One, Young Living and other purchase from home products. You may have thought about being a brand rep for these products yourself, so you can earn a little extra cash on the side or just pay off a few extra bills. While direct sales are a great way to make some extra cash, it isn’t for everyone. Here’s what you need to know to determine if direct sales are right for you!

1. You have to be motivated.

With direct sales, you need to go out and find your clients, and they may not just fall into your lap. Make sure you have the motivation to get out and do a little door knocking per say, so you can start your own customer base and start getting some sales.

2. You have to be thick skinned.

When you are in any kind of sales, you may hear the words NO or NOT INTERESTED. You have to be thick skinned and realize these are not personal attacks, this is just a person who is not interested and you can move on and use your energy elsewhere.

3. You have to put in evening hours.

Most parties for direct sales products happen in the evening hours when the party host is off work for the day. If you want to do home parties, be prepared to work evenings and attend weekend parties as well as this is generally the time that’s convenient for most.

4. Your income may fluctuate.

Around the holidays you may have amazing sales, but those sales may drop off during the deep winter or deep summer months. While the extra income is fun, you don’t want to have to rely solely on it as it can fluctuate.

5. You are in charge of looking after your own taxes.

In most cases of direct sales, the company does not deduct your income taxes for you. Check with a local accountant to make sure you have the correct paperwork on file to look after your own taxes and keep your business legal.

6. You may need money out of pocket to start.

Most direct sales companies require the sales rep to come out of pocket for their starter kit. You may need to purchase your own catalogs, samples, and other products with your own money as well. If you’re going into direct sales, be prepared to spend your own money to get set up.

7. Know that fads come and go.

Before diving into any direct sales company, remember that fads come and go. What’s hot today may not be hot tomorrow. Be sure you are investing in a company that offers some long term stability and a quality product that people are sure to come back for.

So is direct sales right for you? If you think so, start researching companies that you believe in and have purchased from yourself. You might find that you can make some extra money while doing something you really love!

6 Ways to Turn Your Trash into Cash

Did you know you could be throwing away money each month, right into your own trash can? There are many items tossed into trash cans each month that are worth cash and can help put a little extra change into your pocket. Take a look below at 6 ways to turn your trash into cash and make a little money off of items you would normally throw away or recycle.

6 Ways to Turn Your Trash into Cash

1. Wine corks.

Wine corks have become quite popular with crafters lately. If you drink wine, set your wine corks aside. You can sell them on eBay or Etsy, where crafters are paying around .25 and up per cork. If you host a party or have been collecting corks over time, you could enjoy a real pay day!

2. Aluminum.

Don’t pitch aluminum cans. They’re worth cash! Take it to your nearest recycling center where they will count your cans and pay you the going rate. It is a quick way to get rid of the aluminum and make some cash in the process. With the money I get from bringing in our old cans, I like to put the balance into my daughter’s piggy bank.

3. Magazines.

Back issues of magazines are quite popular on eBay. If you have magazine subscriptions, sell your back issues on eBay to buyers in need. Niche topics are especially hot (crafting, hobby, fashion) and bring in a great price. So don’t toss those old magazines, sell them.

Related: 10 Uses for Old Magazines.

4. Newspapers.

Don’t toss those old newspapers before checking them for coupons. When you toss coupons, it is like tossing money. Instead, check each page one more time and make sure there aren’t any savings you want to clip and take advantage of.

5. Glass bottles.

Glass bottles are another hot item with crafters. If you have glass bottles, especially colored glass, wine bottles, or decorative bottles, see about selling them first. Etsy or the hobby section on Craigslist or Facebook Buy & Sell groups are perfect for getting a few bucks per bottle. At-home wine makers are also always looking for wine bottles!

6. Scrap metal.

Most things that are metal (including cars, bikes, appliances, cans, file cabinets, BBQ grills, etc.) can be recycled for cash. To find out how much you can make, google “Scrap Metal Pickup” for your local city to find someone that will pick up your scraps.

See how easy it can be to turn your own trash into cash? Keep these tips in mind and you can make a little money off of the items you normally just toss away or recycle. So, how much cash is lurking in your trash? Take a peek and see which items you can weed out and get a few dollars for.

Do you have any “trash” items that you regularly like to turn into cash?

5 Legitimate Ways to Make Money at Home

Are you looking to make some money from home? If so, you might be cautious about all of the work from home opportunities out there for fear they may be scams. And while plenty of those do exist, you will find that there are a lot of legitimate ways to make money at home as well. Take a look below at 5 legitimate ways to make money at home so you can have extra cash on hand, pay down debt, or save up for that special purchase you have been eyeing.

5 Legitimate Ways to Make Money at Home

Here are 5 legitimate ways to make money at home so you can have extra cash on hand, pay down debt, or save up for that special purchase you have been eyeing.

1. Write and publish eBooks.

Do you like to write and have knowledge on a certain subject? If so, write an ebook! You can use easy to use and navigate programs such as Kindle Direct Publishing (an Amazon company) to publish your books in just minutes. This is a great way to bring in a little extra cash flow each month. To get started, use a word processing program to type up, edit, and format the text, then transfer the text using the tools Kindle Direct Publishing provides.

2. Become a tutor.

Do you have a background in teaching? Or, perhaps you are just skilled at reading, writing, and math? Then advertise your skills as a tutor among friends and through social media. Tutors can make upwards of $20 an hour, more if you are skilled in junior high and high school skills. Set aside a space in your house for tutoring, or offer to tutor the child in their own home. You will need very little in the way of supplies (usually pencils, paper, will do the trick) and the child is sure to appreciate your help and support!

3. Become a pet or child sitter.

If you love children or animals, why not become a sitter? You can offer to provide services in your own home or the clients. Sitters for children can make upwards of $10 per hour, while the amount you can make as a pet sitter varies. Either way, you can make cash for doing what you already love. Advertise among friends, family, and social media to let others know you are looking to take on clients in these areas. Provide excellent care, and you are sure to have customers flocking to you.

4. Sell from home.

Direct sales are a great way to make money from home without a great deal of overhead involved. Some examples of items you can sell from home would include essential oils, candles, cosmetics, and jewelry. Visit the websites of Scentsy, Young Living, DoTerra, Avon, and other direct sale companies to see what opportunities may be available to you. You will find that these companies offer excellent commission, bonus opportunities, and even trips for your dedication to them.

5. Sell your stuff.

Use eBay, Etsy, Facebook, Kijiji, Craigslist or even Amazon to sell your gently used items. You can sell movies, music, furniture, clothing, accessories, even electronics and plants. If you are getting rid of it, chances are there is a market for it. Check out the sites mentioned to set up a seller account, take some great pics, write a thorough description, and in no time you will be selling your stuff online and making some real cash.

Related Post: How To Sell Your Stuff Online

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Making money from home is possible. Give these legitimate ways to make money at home a try and see what you can achieve!

Do you have any other ideas for making money from home?